Thursday, April 1, 2010

We are in Springfield, IL

Well, it was a great day!  Got to Adams St and Michigan Ave in Chicago this morning - the official beginning of Route 66.  Headed south and stopped in Joliet for the Rt 66 Museum and lunch.  We arrived in Springfield at about 6:00pm this evening.

It's been an absolutely beautiful day weatherwise - sunny and in the mid-80's!  I have taken a bunch to pictures, but have not had time to download and edit them.  Plan to do that later.

We are staying in a bed & breakfast in downtown Springfield (within walking distance of the Capitol building, Lincoln Library and Museum, and his house.  Place is called the Pasfield House - very neat old home.  More on it in a later post as well.  We will be here until Saturday morning when we pack up and head for St Louis.

Right now we are off to see a few sites and have a corn dog at a Rt 66 icon.

Until the next post,
Captain Ken

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