Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The team hit the assembly point in Cedarburg today.  Here's a shot of the four of us with the two vehicles we plan to use on the road trip.   Temps in Cedarburg hit 73 degrees today--absolutely beautiful weather and we took advantage of it  (Click on the photos to see them full sized).

So the Suburban is packed and ready to go.  We will be taking off tomorrow morning between 8:30am and 9:00am.  The plan is to drive to the starting point of Route 66 - Michigan Ave and Adams Ave in Chicago.  Hope to take a picture there and then officially start our Road Trip down America's Main Street, a.k.a.  Route 66, traveling through eight states and driving about 2,300 miles.

So sign in to the blog, become a member, and track our adventure down America's Main Street.