Monday, April 12, 2010

Gallup, New Mexico

Wow!  It has been a while since I last posted.  Sorry about that, just been having too much fun!  In the last Post we had rolled into Texas.   Well, the Texas portion of the Mother Road may be the second shortest section (Kansas is shortest) but sure has a lot to offer.  The road runs thru the top "Pan Handle" section.  We stopped in Amarillo and from there drove out to the Cadillac Ranch.  Quite a site.  Check out the pic's:

From there we rolled on into New Mexico and reached the midpoint of Rt 66.  We were halfway between Chicago and Santa Monica.

There is a great Cafe at the midpoint and we took full advantage of it.  Known for their pies, we verified their excellent reputation:

It will take me a few more posts to get the blog up to date.  In the meantime, . . . . 

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