Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The team hit the assembly point in Cedarburg today.  Here's a shot of the four of us with the two vehicles we plan to use on the road trip.   Temps in Cedarburg hit 73 degrees today--absolutely beautiful weather and we took advantage of it  (Click on the photos to see them full sized).

So the Suburban is packed and ready to go.  We will be taking off tomorrow morning between 8:30am and 9:00am.  The plan is to drive to the starting point of Route 66 - Michigan Ave and Adams Ave in Chicago.  Hope to take a picture there and then officially start our Road Trip down America's Main Street, a.k.a.  Route 66, traveling through eight states and driving about 2,300 miles.

So sign in to the blog, become a member, and track our adventure down America's Main Street.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Countdown Begins

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the places and moments that take our breath away."   
                                                                       -- Anonymous

Today is packing day for me.  And later this afternoon I'll be picking up Dave and Tere' at the airport (Who are coming in from San Jose, CA).   They'll be doing Rt 66 with us.  We have done road trips with them in the past and always have a blast.  Dave is a high school classmate.  Here are a couple of shots of our month long 2009 Florida Road Trip (note: clicking on a photo will blow it up to full size):

Above:  Dave and Tere' on the beach in Melbourne, FL.   
Below:  Kathleen and I on the same beach--the beard came off as we headed south to Key West:

I've made my lists and am checking them twice.   Looks like the Suburban will be packed full, mostly with my camera equipment.  Need to get back to packing.  

Monday, March 29, 2010

Captain Ken at the helm of the "Orion"

Our Route 66 Road Trip Begins

3/29/2010  Welcome to Captain Ken's Voyages.  Just wanted to create this blog to document my travels and share my images with you.  I am a serious amateur photographer who is lucky enough to have the time to do some serious traveling.  In a few days, my wife and I, along with another couple, will start a Route 66 Road Trip.  Come on back to follow us from Chicago, IL to Santa Monica, CA.  Should be fun!

Note:  You may have to look down and to the right to see the list of postings in chronological order.  Just click on one to read the full text.  Also, clicking on a photo should enlarge it to original size.